Watch the Destiny Panel, Awards Show, and More, Live From GDC 2015
Added: 02.03.2015 20:44 | 21 views | 0 comments
The Game Developers Conference in San Francisco is happening right now, but just in case you can't make it to the show, we'll be streaming a few panels live right here on GameSpot. You can check out our full schedule and details below, or for more coverage, check out , we sought to develop an engine that would last us just as long as the Halo engine had. This talk will cover the six-year development arc of the Destiny engine, from inception to ship.
Tags: Hack, Gain, Watch, Live, Awards, Destiny, Developers, Game Developers, Conference, Developers Conference, San Francisco, Francisco, The Game
| The Next Penelope Review | The Game Scouts
Added: 02.03.2015 12:09 | 11 views | 0 comments
Erin Conley: Before playing The Next Penelope, I did some reading on the Early Access page on Steam about the title and discovered that the number of developers working on it was one. Just one. A single guy managing the coding, art direction, animation and music. A lot of time and care has gone in to whats currently developed and being presented, and it shows. The games basic premise is based off of the Odyssey of Greek mythology fame. While Odysseus is mentioned, the story chooses to focus on his wife Penelope instead. She must grudgingly work for the God Poseidon in order to save her people in Ithaca and find her missing husband. The story serves as a nice backdrop for the game, and gives it the flare that makes it unique. Because of that, I want to talk a bit first about the presentation of the game before we get down to brass tacks, because a lot of effort was put into the overall look of the game.
| Saber's Edge Review | The Game Scouts
Added: 28.02.2015 17:10 | 8 views | 0 comments
Tin Salamunic: Free-to-play has become somewhat of a dirty word. Its typically synonymous with poor business practices and games structured around unjust microtransactions. But every once in a while, a developer gets it right. Amazon Game Studios latest Android title, Sabers Edge, is a perfect example of how this business model can benefit both publishers and consumers. You dont have to spend a dime to fully enjoy what Sabers Edge has to offer, but if youre really desperate to speed things up and want to acquire extra in-game coin, the game store offers a selection of differently priced coin and gem bundles.
| Dragon Ball: Xenoverse Review | The Game Scouts
Added: 26.02.2015 15:14 | 3 views | 0 comments
Tin Salamunic: Bandai Namcos latest Dragon Ball: Xenoverse is a reminder of why I fell in love with Toriyamas manga and anime in the first place. Dragon Balls hyperenergetic action is incomparable, especially when granted full control over the fighters. As far as licensed games are concerned, Dragon Ball: Xenoverse is one of the best examples of how to successfully translate a popular TV series to a gaming platform. Even if the visuals are underwhelming, Xenoverses action flawlessly captures the shows explosive fight scenes. For Dragon Ball fans, this is a dream come true.
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